Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dead Sun Rising: Chapter 1 - Page. 11

No matter how hard i screamed, the sound didn't resonate with anything. It was like my voice just faded into the white. I started walking, walking turned into running and then i ran for what felt like an eternity in slow motion. That's when i finally saw something, out there in the white. It was very hard to tell, but it seemed like a humanoid shape-wise. But no matter how fast i continued to run, it clung to the very edges of my vision making it very hard to know what i was chasing after. It was when i was falling over due to exhaustion that i heard a whisper, but making out what it said was next to impossible. I could only register "... Suffering..." before i awoke with a snap, gasping for air.
I was back in my nightmare, as real as it could get. Back in the recreational room, with a...
I noticed Nails was clinging to me tightly, looking at me with a worried but drowsy expression.

- Are you ok? All i could hear was mumbles and you sounded quite distressed..
- I'm... I guess I'm alright. It's just... I don't...
- Shh, It's ok...
- ...!

That's when i noticed that Nails hands suddenly were in face, grabbing ahold of me and kissed me passionately.
I could do naught from getting lost in the moment, noticing that my hands started moving by themselves, undressing her as the kissing heated up even further, her hand movement gett more erratic, rushing to undress me aswell. In all this chaos that we wound up in, even if it was temporary, we shared a special moment where nothing else but us existed.

From what we assumed was the following day, The tension was decidely... Akward in the room. It was a bit hard to look each other in the eyes, so we started getting dressed and feeling fit for fight, we ate what was left of the Chilli pot and examined the map to see where we should've been heading next. The layout was quite confusing to say the least, sections where placed seemingly random and it was quite easy to get lost here based on the map.
But with a felt pen, we planned and marked out a route. It was a detour, but better be safe then sorry. Our optional route led us right through a conference room that could house up to 200 persons. Just the though of it brought me memories of the meat locker type room and it made me shiver. I looked over the locker filled with liquor and found a big vodka bottle, perfect for cleaning out any wounds. I filled up the gym bottle with as much as i could (which was almost the whole bottle of about a litre) and threw our belongings in the backpack, along with a scissor i scrounged up.
Things were looking up, but i couldn't admit that out loud in case it would come back to stab me in the back later on. Moving the sofa and opening the door slightly to see if anyone had entered, i grabbed Sophie and proceeded out when there was no signs of entry. Lugging a dead body around sure wasn't as easy as it looked in any of the action movies but i did it anyways. It might've been called stupid on my part, but i really didn't care. I had my respects to pay to my ex, and i'll be damned if i didn't do just that.
Things were as quiet as before, which was unnerving to say the least. Tension could get the best of anyone, and the dark danky corridors didn't really help at all. What we needed was probably some sort of flashlight but looking for one would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
We carried on, and the sight we met in some of the rooms made us sick. A person had been flayed with his skin around his stomach cut and spread, neatly showing everything inside. I didn't even stop to think of the tremendous pain that man must have been in before passing on, assuming he was even awake during the process. Further on, we actually found a person laying on the ground. I was about to smash his skull in just to make sure, until i noticed that somebody had actually shot him square in the middle of his head. Sighing, i ransacked him in order to maybe find something of value. After looking through his pocket, i found an unopened King-sized snickers, a wallet containing a picture of his family and an access card. Jackpot.
Now, since i didn't know how much access this was going to buy us, i just put it in my pocket until later.


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