Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dead Sun Rising: Chapter 1 - Page. 10

After walking for five minutes in dead silence, following the map blindly, we reached what we thought was our destination. Checking the map if it was the correct number, we cautiously opened the door up and expected the worst. Suprisingly, we were treated to some sort of lobby where there were coat hangers, lockers and other things where you could put your trinkets, labcoats and suits away for the moment. Not bothering to dequip anything, we proceeded onto the next room and what we found was like a little slice of paradise.
It lived up to it's promise of being a recreational room alright. It had a fully equipped pool table, a small library of books, a couple of couches, a few dingy lights and it even came equipped with a bar and stove. It looked like it had everything we needed to take a brake. Putting Sophie down, we started looking for a suitable barricade for the door so we took one of the couches and started hauling it over to the door. When that was done, we both simultaneusly lied down on the floor letting exhaustion getting the best of us. It felt so nice just lying down on the carpet, my body felt a bit abused by now. The sad part is that i really wanted it all to be over, but it isn't. I have to deal with reality and i have a responsibility to keep now. I have Nails and if i want us to stay alive, i need to pull my shit together.
I felt that thinking too hard on those things will just depress me even further, so i stood up and went to the fridge, attempting to make idle talk while assessing what i could do with the contents of the fridge.

- So... did you know that i am an educated cook? I sometimes used that as a pick up line.
- I'm not suprised, chick digs a guy who can take care of himself.
- Well uh... That i know. And a lot of other unnessesary crap.
- You got me intrigued, go on.
- Oh like... Let's see here. You are most likely an 80c cupwise, Around 20 years old and probably has a dislike for carrots.
- How did you even... You do realise that the carrot part is true right?
- Magic, whooohoo. So uh... Some outdated milk, eggs we should avoid, some fresh meat, some herbs, butter... I think we might be able to do something with the stuff here.
- Wiseass... But in a cute way.
- That's my style baby.

Feeling that i've successfully increased the overall mood, i got to work. Finding some pans and pots, i started cooking with what i had. I was able to scrounge up enough materials and spices to make a pretty tasty chilli meat pot. It was a bit lacking, i'll be honest, but it delicious in the current circumstanes. I never said it out loud but if there was anything that wasn't fully eadible, the chilli would've made sure to eliminate that particular taste.
We made some small talk during dinner, i told a bit about myself in a very relaxed and playful manner, while she discussed some things about herself prior to these events.
Telling Nails that i was going out to the other room to scrounge around in the lockers for a bit after dinner, i took the crowbar, moved the couch a bit and stepped outside.
Finding a few stuff of real value (Amongst those items where: a gym bottle, a couple of handly king sized towels and a backpack, all stuff which could come in handy later on) i felt satisfied with what i scrounged up. Taking some relief in that i didn't need to break up any lockers and cause an unnessesary commotion, i returned in to the recreational room. We needed all the sleep we could get, so i told Nails that we probably should do just that. I examined the couch and it turned out to be a pretty handy bed-settee (I could hardly believe our current fortune, i was just waiting for lady luck to slap us in the face) which i proceeded to fix up so it could be slept on, grabbing the softest substitute for a pillow i could find and done. Removing nothing else but my shoes, i lay down on it and felt as if every ounce of my strenght was drained away. My eyes felt so heavy... All i could register was a warm source from somewhere and then everything went dark.
The dreams were hazy at best, a whirlwind of emotions streaming through me. My past life, my current situation, things i took for granted, ex girlfriends... Heck, even people i hated passed by it all. I wonder why.
Then all of a sudden, i was sitting all alone in the middle of an empty, quiet colloseum.


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