Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dead sun Rising: Chapter 1. Page 8

The door leading to the decontamination room was one of those really cool doors which slides open (Not sideways, but upwards!) and when we stepped through it, it closed behind us with that silent but notable sliding sound you always hear in sci-fi movies. We were suprised by the sudden gush of compressed air shooting at us from all these different directions but it was probably just disinfectant mixed with stuff to kill bacterias anyways. Still, couldn't help but to jump a bit from the sudden sound of it.
With the door in front sliding upwards and allowing passage, we stepped through to what appeared some form of laboratory. Mostly, it resembled the things you'd find in a hospital such as shelves filled with petri dishes (Seems to be different kinds of bacteria in them), a couple of desks filled to the brim with different kinds of papers (at first glance, seemed just to contain some scribblings and lots of technical words), some examining tables with different kinds of equipment and two doors at the left and right leading to different places.
Telling Nails to start looking around for some kind of information we can use later on, we both started going through all the documents. Much of it, was just technical science information which i couldn't understand at all, but some reports actually used some form of laymans terms...

- ... Nails, i think i found something.
- What is it? All i can find is all these documents which i can't interpret at all...
- Well, turns out some form of project or another was here. Problem is, it doesn't allude to what and why.
- Some information...
- Well, it's better than nothing and from what we know, we can assume that this is some project gone haywire.
- Still, that information isn't of much value to us since we don't know why, what or how. I mean, how are we even going to kill those things?
- They just seem like ordinary reanimated humans, that means that blunt trauma, snapping their neck or decapitating them works. As long as we stop brain activity.
- Uh, you sure know your freaks...
- Look, i was a huge zombie fan back in the days... I'm still kinda feeling the irony of it alright?

Continuing to wade through all the papers, we didn't find much we could understand but still decided to grab some of what we assumed was the most important papers (sign and sigil usually screams important) and continued onwards with examining the labs. The various petri dishes just had a number ID, which didn't tell me or nails much at all about them so we just left them alone for the time being.
Aproaching the left side door, it slid right open as the other doors behind us and closed shortly afterwards. I was getting some form of simple joy stepping through them, the guys who designed these doors must've also felt that way when the stepped through them. But this wasn't the time for childish thoughts, so we entered into what looked like an experimental area. The lighting in this room was very dim, save for a few lamps here and there. From where we stood, we couldn't see the entire room, so we walked to the corner which cut out our view of the entire room but what we saw, we couldn't possibly have been prepared for...
A glass tube of sort stood in place, along with a couple of other tubes, it was around three metres in height, about one and a half in width and had some dim lights that lighted up the tube. Sitting it the tube was something at a height of two and a half metres, looking humanoid with pale grey skin, no clothes and lacking sex at all. The muscles on that thing was impressive, to say the least and his hand looked like it was as big as my head. It didn't appear to have any physical deformation on the outside, it just seemed like an extremely buffed up human being. Nails backed away from the thing slowly and bumped in to a cart of some sort, screaming in shock and falling to the ground.
The screaming snapped me out of my awe and i rushed to help Nails up, her body was shaking like a leaf and she just stuttered that she wanted to get away from that thing as soon as possible.
Complying, i led her away from it and prayed that we would never ever encounter that thing living.


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