Monday, September 19, 2011

Dead Sun Rising: Chapter 1. Page 7

Not sure what to do with myself, i just kept on walking, and walking, and walking. Stunned to silence by grief, and terror of what we would be encountering next.
Eventually, we wound up in another section blocked of by a door that demanded a key card and was marked with a biohazard sign. But as luck would have it, the door stood half open as if somebody just threw open the door and ran.

- Chris, did you see the biohazard sign? I don't think it's going to be very safe going in here.
- I think it's a minor chemicals lab, let's just take a look atleast. Maybe we can find something we can use.
- Guess i just have to trust you on this one...

In order to move unhindered, i put away Sophie by the side of the door and swung the door open slowly to see what's in there. The first thing we encountered was a room with around 20 lockers or so, and some hazmat suits hanging. Feeling that it probably was safer here then out in the corridor, i went back to pick up Sophie and put her here instead.

Think we should don a hazmat suit, just in case?
If we can find one our size that is, then yes. Better be safe then sorry.

Swinging open a few lockers, we found family photos, a couple of nude pictures on the lockers, pretty much everything stereotypical you'd expect to find in a locker of such a place. Though when i opened up my seventh locker, i found something that piqued my interest, a lot. Lifting the object up, i felt a satisfying weight in my hand. I swung it around a bit and felt like Gordon Freeman for a second or two, we even stood in a laboratory so the comparison couldn't have possibly been better placed.
Nails caught me swinging the object around a bit and laughed since she apparently thought it looked a bit funny.

- I see you found something useful there Chris!
- Yes, i can't believe i found a friggin' crowbar! This thing is probably one of the most useful things we could have found at the moment. Short of an exit of course.
- I guess. But you are carrying around Sophie, how are you going to carry that as well? I mean, she must be heavy...
- Well, sort of. Suprisingly light for her height but still heavy to carry around and i have no real pockets or belt to put the crowbar in...
- Give me the crowbar, i might not be able to put it in as good use as you would, but i can still take care of it for now.

Said and done, i handed her the crowbar with amusing results. She wasn't expecting the weight of it and almost dropped it as a result. Looking mildly embarresed, she lifted it and held it in both of her hands, trying to swing it around slowly with one hand to adjust to the weight of it.
When she looked to be just about done, i said to her that the leisure brake was over and that we needed to keep up the exploring. So i started equipping a hazmat suit of a somewhat fitting size with some difficulty and Nails followed my example.
After a good five minutes, we were done and i felt like was a man on the moon with this thing on. It was all rubbery, big and felt like you had some sort of bigfoot costume on, not to mention that heat built up fast in one of these making you all sweaty after just a little while in them.
It was kind of funny how all everything sounded lightly distorted from the inside as soon as you equipped the helmet though, but eveyrthing from the outside sounded distant and far away.
Steeling ourselves, we approached the next door which seemed to lead into a decontamination chamber of some sort.


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