Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dead Sun Rising, chapter 2; Page 17

It felt like my heart was a burden, feeling it pound with a strength unknown to me. Like the wait for something to happen to us was finally going to make it explode. Like the wait for the undead to show up was going to be the end. Felt almost like my legs were made out of spaghetti. Fear, i think was the right word for it. The primal fear of my life ending, like looking down into some form of god forsaken abyss. Feeling it's intense gaze staring my soul down. Judging. Patiently waiting. I could vaguely make some sound out in the background. Something slammed against a wall. A shot. It was all a blur. All of a sudden, we were in a large conference room, almost formed like an ancient Greek amphitheater. I heard screaming. Shouting. Moaning. It was all so confusing. What was happening? It was when an undead pulled my hair backwards that i was snapped back to reality. The pain bringing me back down to the earth like a rock comes crashing down from the sky. I reacted with instinct, smacking the zombie with the butt of my gun in it's face from the awkward position I was in. It's hard grip letting go of my hair. We were so close, yet this apparent wall of zombies that appeared out of nowhere were between us and apparent freedom. Frost was shouting as us to get moving. Nails trying to swing the crowbar, crushing heads left and right. It wasn't the easiest of fights, running and shooting while carrying a corpse. But I had come this far, I was determined to at least see this through. To be able to give her a proper burial.

Rage and survival instincts is an amazing driving factor. Can propel you to do amazing things in the heat of battle. Can also drive you to do some very cold things. Things that you can't justify later on, no matter how hard you try. We fought like brothers and sisters. Watching each others backs, trying to simply mow our way through the crowd. Trying to spot a weak link in the chain of zombies. Fighting, screaming, surviving. Emergency exit. We were finally there. I heard nail scream a terrified shout as a cold hand gripped her hair, pulling her backwards in the same awkward position I was in just moments before. I aimed with a shaky hand, seeing the terrified expression slowly forming. It felt like it all went in slow motion. In one motion, I steadied up my shaking hand, taking a deep breath. Looking down the red insert of my gun, I squeezed the trigger in hopes of hitting my target. The bullet buried itself into the hungry zombies head, going in from one end and out the other making a huge mess of it all. The wall, stained crimson with brain substance and blood seemed not to mind the mess. Nails fell on her back, having no support from her legs keeping her up. I rushed over to help her and we slammed the door shut behind us, hoping to contain the hoard as long as possible. Looking over my gun, I had half a magazine left with no spares to match. Guess I burned through it all during the last battle. Damn it all. Guess there was no helping it.

What with the rapid banging on the door going on, we didn't have much time to spare. So we ventured up the stairs as fast as we could manage with Frost on point. As we got closer to it, I felt my arms where starting to cave. Realizing that we needed to get out of here fast if I had any hopes of getting her out of this hell hole, I felt it was prudent to push myself just a little bit more. Frost slammed the emergency door open, triggering the larmed door. We all heard the alarm blaring through all possible directions, it's noise lodging itself deep into our skulls. We saw several elevators, must have been more then a dozen of them all neatly stapled up in one single row against the wall about 30 meters away from us. There was a single desk, albeit a pretty big one, standing in front of all of these elevators. Must have been a reception of some description. We hurried over there and investigated it as fast as we could. Stained coffee all over the table, a few computer screens and a lot of buttons. There was a card reader there on top of the desk, guess you had to check out to call an elevator. Nails started fooling around with the controllers for a bit. After a while, she said "I think i got it" and asked us to hurry towards the elevators. She started going throught the buttons, and as we hurried there, all the doors in the room suddenly slammed open with a loud series of bangs. It felt like a chorus of the damned, with what seemed like dozens of them pouring through the doors surrounding the room. We heard the ping of the elevator, not being slow on the uptake we hurried in to the elevator. It was with a horrible sensation in the pit of my stomach that i saw that Nails slammed a button and the elevator doors slowly shutting itself. Frost grabbed the collar of my shirt as he saw i was about to run after her, effectively stopping med dead in my tracks. The last thing i saw of her was her having the entire horde after her running in the opposite direction through a door screaming "LIVE!" as the door closed.

I could do nothing but scream.


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