Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dead Sun Rising; Chapter 2, Page 14

The door slid open, it was quiet... For now. The area we seemed to be in was a huge corridor with a lot of doors. Probably all conference rooms. We both felt the need to hurry because if we were lucky, we might just be at our goal. Or perhaps not. Only one way to find out i guess. As we proceeded, only our footsteps were heard aside from my heart which sounded like it was a drum orchestra. Something felt wrong, i just had a very hard time placing what exactly. As we carried on, nothing still made itself heard except for our footsteps and our heavy breathing. It was kind of funny, i felt that this was like a video game for a brief moment. Now if only this feeling could be captured and translated a survival horror video game, then it would be a pretty good game in my eyes.

- So... Nails, what do you want to do when you get out of here?
- Hm... Get some new clothes, these stinks. Also, i think they belong on her when we bury her. Don't want her buried in her underwear. I know i sure wouldn't want that.
- Hm, i guess... I just wonder where in the hell we are. I mean, seriously. Who builds these kinds of structures? I thought they were exclusively relegated to video games. It even seems to be built underground and everything since the maps seem to point at that.
- I'm, no architect but it had to take a long time to build this. Wherever we are and why, it had to be someplace far away from civilisation. I'd imagine it's hard to hide this kind of thing otherwise.
- Perhaps there is a facitily to hide this one on top of it. Like some sort of cliché storage or perhaps an umbrella company. But i don't know, maybe i'm just blowing smoke out of my ass. Either way, stay sharp.

One door behind us and one in front of us flew open and three zombies shambled into the room. Two in front of us, one in the back. Shit! I dropped Sophie and reached for my gun, aimed it carefully through my shaky hands and shot. First, second and third round missed. The zombies was getting closer. Almost at point blank range, i managed to take down the first zombie behind us.
I felt a hand reaching around me and a moaning sound was made heard. Panicking, i attempted a backwards headbutt as hard as i could. My lucky day, the zombie was actually knocked to the floor. Without any thought, i lifted my foot and stomped down on the head with an adrenaline filled body. A crack was heard and a disfigured face was revealed under my foot. Problem was that i heard a female scream, SHIT! I had totally forgotten about Nails!
The zombie pretty much had her at hugging distance and he reached for her juggular, i was a bit too far away to do try and enter close combat. The only thing i felt was despair and a flash of what happened to sophie appeared. No... NO, N-

Bang. A solid shot from a gun. The zombie just fell into her arms and then down on the floor. Looking at the direction of where the shot came from, the masked person had rescued her. Lady luck was apparently smiling at us.
We both fell into silence after that, The shock and adrenaline rush quieting us and just made us stand there like two silent, shaking idiots. It still felt like a full blown orchestra inside my head, it's like i heard every noice on earth and it was starting to numb me to be honest. It was then that i heard a clicking noice, and a weapon was trained on us. Shit.

- Freeze. Identify yourselfs, now.
- I- I- I, knew it was too good to be t-true. If you are military, p-please lower the w-w-weapon. If not, Kill us quickly. We are tired, fatigued and of no match to somebody of sup-pe-perior training. We are ci-civilians, no more. No less.
- Not until i can verify that you are uninfected. Put any potential weapons on the ground, now. And take of your clothes.

Feeling no choice but to comply, I put Sophie gently on the floor along with my gun, raising my hands into the air. I removed my shirt, i told Nails to do the same. It felt like an eternity waiting, but in the end, he lowered is weapon slightly.


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