Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dead Sun Rising; Chapter 2, Page 15

I took a deep breath to try and calm my shaking nerves. It didn't help all that much but i felt a bit better atleast. Perhaps it would help me stop stuttering. He stood there, firmly in place with his gun slightly lowered, looking at us with those blank, expressionless eyes that came with a gas mask. It was painfully obvious that this man was ready to shoot us at the blink of an eye so i felt no choice but to start a conversation, with my hands still in the air.

- I know im not in a position to ask but are you military, para-military, mercenary or just security? Are you even any of the above?
- ...
- Look, we have verified ourselves to be uninfected. Could we please, at the very least, put our hands down?
- ...
- I'm gonna go ahead and lower them now, ok?

So i slowly lowered them, he answered in kind by not shooting us. Progress, i guess. The masked man turned his attention to Sophie, asked us to move aside and started investigating the corpse. He looked at me and then asked;

- Why are you carrying around on a corpse? She seemes to be infected aswell.
- Because she is a valuable person to me. And if you would have been arsed to look closer, her neck is broken. I broke it myself after she was infected and fatally wounded. So no, she -wont- be coming back any time soon. Now Back. Off. From. Her. NOW.

Suprisingly, he backed off, the weapons hadn't shifted from it's original place though. Being the first time i actually stood at gun point, i didn't know what to do. This man could decide to shoot us at any moment and there would be nothing we could do about it. With zombies, we would've atleast stood a chance. Shit, shit, shit.

- Look, We are under a large ammount of pressure and we are civilians stranded here without even knowing how we got here in the first place. We just want to get out, nothing more, nothing less.
- ...
- Please, we beg of you. All we want is to get out of here, i want to bury my dead friend. Get out of here, just... Forget about all this. Go back to my life.
- ...

He took of his mask, and a man with short brown hair and green eyes revealed itself. He had a scar going from the left end of the forhead , past his eye, temple and ending and his cheek bone.

- I'm sorry for the scary act. I had to make sure you weren't hostile.
- I... Uh... Look, all we are looking for is a way out. Do you happen to know of it?
- No, i don't know. I awoke in this place after being knocked out by sleeping gas during one of my operations. And then... Well. Not even sure if i'm going the right way. I had assumed that this was a building and that the exit was downwards.
- That's not correct according to our information, we woke up about six floors downwards and all our info points to this being an underground facility and we need to climb upwards.
- So, you are telling me that i've been proceeding downwards for nothing?
- I guess so. Are you military? Your hardware seems to point at it.
- Both yes and no. Special operative Derek Yu to your service. Mostly, i go by my codename, Frost though. Sorry for that risky shot though on your partner, i saw no other option to save her though. As for my hardware, i looted it off of a dead guy a couple of floors up. Had to loot both his gear and his clothes. They are a bit of a loose fit though but a man can't be picky in situations like this.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dead Sun Rising; Chapter 2, Page 14

The door slid open, it was quiet... For now. The area we seemed to be in was a huge corridor with a lot of doors. Probably all conference rooms. We both felt the need to hurry because if we were lucky, we might just be at our goal. Or perhaps not. Only one way to find out i guess. As we proceeded, only our footsteps were heard aside from my heart which sounded like it was a drum orchestra. Something felt wrong, i just had a very hard time placing what exactly. As we carried on, nothing still made itself heard except for our footsteps and our heavy breathing. It was kind of funny, i felt that this was like a video game for a brief moment. Now if only this feeling could be captured and translated a survival horror video game, then it would be a pretty good game in my eyes.

- So... Nails, what do you want to do when you get out of here?
- Hm... Get some new clothes, these stinks. Also, i think they belong on her when we bury her. Don't want her buried in her underwear. I know i sure wouldn't want that.
- Hm, i guess... I just wonder where in the hell we are. I mean, seriously. Who builds these kinds of structures? I thought they were exclusively relegated to video games. It even seems to be built underground and everything since the maps seem to point at that.
- I'm, no architect but it had to take a long time to build this. Wherever we are and why, it had to be someplace far away from civilisation. I'd imagine it's hard to hide this kind of thing otherwise.
- Perhaps there is a facitily to hide this one on top of it. Like some sort of cliché storage or perhaps an umbrella company. But i don't know, maybe i'm just blowing smoke out of my ass. Either way, stay sharp.

One door behind us and one in front of us flew open and three zombies shambled into the room. Two in front of us, one in the back. Shit! I dropped Sophie and reached for my gun, aimed it carefully through my shaky hands and shot. First, second and third round missed. The zombies was getting closer. Almost at point blank range, i managed to take down the first zombie behind us.
I felt a hand reaching around me and a moaning sound was made heard. Panicking, i attempted a backwards headbutt as hard as i could. My lucky day, the zombie was actually knocked to the floor. Without any thought, i lifted my foot and stomped down on the head with an adrenaline filled body. A crack was heard and a disfigured face was revealed under my foot. Problem was that i heard a female scream, SHIT! I had totally forgotten about Nails!
The zombie pretty much had her at hugging distance and he reached for her juggular, i was a bit too far away to do try and enter close combat. The only thing i felt was despair and a flash of what happened to sophie appeared. No... NO, N-

Bang. A solid shot from a gun. The zombie just fell into her arms and then down on the floor. Looking at the direction of where the shot came from, the masked person had rescued her. Lady luck was apparently smiling at us.
We both fell into silence after that, The shock and adrenaline rush quieting us and just made us stand there like two silent, shaking idiots. It still felt like a full blown orchestra inside my head, it's like i heard every noice on earth and it was starting to numb me to be honest. It was then that i heard a clicking noice, and a weapon was trained on us. Shit.

- Freeze. Identify yourselfs, now.
- I- I- I, knew it was too good to be t-true. If you are military, p-please lower the w-w-weapon. If not, Kill us quickly. We are tired, fatigued and of no match to somebody of sup-pe-perior training. We are ci-civilians, no more. No less.
- Not until i can verify that you are uninfected. Put any potential weapons on the ground, now. And take of your clothes.

Feeling no choice but to comply, I put Sophie gently on the floor along with my gun, raising my hands into the air. I removed my shirt, i told Nails to do the same. It felt like an eternity waiting, but in the end, he lowered is weapon slightly.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dead Sun Rising; Chapter 2, Page 13

People easily make assumptions about thoughts, actions and such when a persons face is covered. Usually, all those assumptions are of ill intent. This is no different, while his face was covered in a gas mask (This isn't evil per say), it made me nervous. Feel ill at ease. It must have been the glaring but menacing look everyone gets while wearing a gas mask. Either he was smart and didn't want blood in his eyes, or he was somebody of ill intent. Too many movies and games made me pretty wary of this fact. The irony, right? A video game telling me what to do and what not to do. It almost makes me laugh. As for the direction he moved, it seemed to move towards our general direction.

I don't like the looks of this Nails. We need to get out of here, now.
Gotcha. Fetch Sophie and we'll be out of here in no time. Since we can't take the secondary route, we'll just have to take the initially planned route. It's gonna be a pain... Sigh.
I hear you sister. But for now, asses into gear, go go go.

We picked up our stuff and left. Stuffing the gun in the back of my pants and the ammo in my pockets, we up and left like our butts were on fire. We started moving down the corridor in a rapid pace with Nails reading the map as we navigated our way around the dreary but currently silent corridors. Five minutes passed and still no sounds but the echo of our steps and our ragged breaths. My arms were getting tired from holding onto Sophie and running at the same time but since leaving her behind wasn't an option, I held on as tightly as I could. When we got closer and closer to our destination, sounds could be heard. Some moaning, some what sounded like scratching on the walls and some just plain haunting. It felt like we were right in the middle of a typical carnival scary house and knowing that anything could jump at us at any moment put me on high alert. I grabbed my gun and held onto it the best I could with Sophie in my arms, putting the safety on just in case I’d accidentally pull the trigger for some stupid reason. We wandered on, the tension almost touchable, it wasn't pleasant. We could hear them moan, and scratch on the doors as we passed, thank god they didn't know how to open a door. Otherwise, we'd be pretty screwed. We approached the conference room and to our relief, we didn't hear any banging on the doors to it. That means that we probably haven't given away our location just yet. No sight of the person that is coming our way just yet, everything seemed to go according to plan for now. We hurried on through the corridor and on to the next corridor which would hopefully lead us out of here. Or at least, pass us through these zombie infested rooms.
There was not much to see here to be honest, except for the occasional banging on a door once in a while (Which I assure you made us just as bad jump as the first time it happened). This is exactly what you could call monotone, same thing everywhere. It was the same in the medical wing, it's like the architectural designers of this place had a thing for boring, dreary and repetitive. Or perhaps they were underpaid and did it as a practical joke on their bosses. Who knows? Now, we had an option of taking an elevator or the stairs. Now, enough movies and games have told me countless times that taking the elevator in a place like this is a bad idea. Why? Because of a few scenarios. For starters, we don't know in what condition the elevator is in. For all we know, it could be ready to drop us anytime. Deeper into the complex. I really hope i don't have to explain why that isn't desirable. Second, it could be filled with the undead. Third, when we arrive at our destination, there is no telling if the door is going to open and swarm us with undead, and then we have nowhere to run. So, the stairs it is. We slowly approached the door leading to the stairs, and we heard no distinct sound. All good, too good I guess. But second guessing everything is just going to make me paranoid of everything so I decided to just open the door slowly before I could talk myself out of it. The door creaked a little while I opened it, but when it was slightly ajar and I took a look, it seemed that no one was there and there was no activity as well so... Safe for now. Phew. Heading inside, I locked the door after me. No sense in setting up an easy ambush should the zombies on this floor break free. We proceeded upstairs as far as we could. We had no real way of knowing if we were getting closer out, but up usually is a good idea. At least in theory. When we hit the top about four floors, we were both a bit nervous. The masked man was here, best case scenario, he was on our side, worst case scenario... Well... Better get going.