Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dead Sun Rising; Chapter 1, p.3

Chapter 1

Proceeding down the long corridor with Sophie in my arms, the only thing i could think of was regret and why i wasn't more cautious than I was. Then again, thinking retrospectively would help me nothing since I had no idea that I was going to face live and authentic zombies when I woke up here. Again, wherever the hell “here” was. The smell of blood followed me like filth in a bordello, with Sophie’s neck wound leaving a trail thick with blood. I stopped for a bit, tearing of a bit of my shirt (Albeit with much struggle and a lot of teeth) and started tying it around the neck wound. It felt inproper of me to just leave it like that. I had to find a proper place to bury her though, but holding on to her full weight in my arms was beginning to take it's toll and her head bobbed bizarrely up and down, like a bobble head when finger-flicked on.
When I finally arrived at a T-formed juncture, I put her down for a bit for a second time to rest my tired arms and tried to discern if there was any sound coming from either of the opposite directions. Much to my dismay, I heard no sound other than wind howling down the direction I came from. Finding a coin in my pocket, I call heads for left and tails for right. Flipping it and praying for good luck, it showed heads. So I picked Sophie up and slowly moved on the the left of the T-formed juncture. Stumbling on, I finally heard a sound of something muffled along the corridor.
I hurry on to the source of the sound and after a while of power-walking I finally found a door, I put Sophie down gently on the rock floor and moved as silently as I could towards the door. When I put my ear to it, I heard a soft muffled sound that sounded vaguely human. I decided to take a peek on what's in there, so I turned the two handles on the valve looking bunker door to find three things; A light hanging over a operating table, a nude woman strapped to the operating table and different tools used for surgery atop of a trolley.
The gag tied around her mouth explained the muffled sound and I hurried to free her of her shackles. What I saw when I approached the woman was a woman in her mid teens, probably around 18 years old with red flaming hair and a rather petite physique, probably no longer in height then 1.60 cm. Nevertheless, she wasn't directly hurting my eyes with her pretty looks.
When i finally freed her, she threw herself of the operating table in what I imagined to be mortal panic onto the cold rock floor with a loud thud shortly followed by a whimpering crying sound. Regaining my senses, I took off my jacket in an attempt to at least cover some of her decency and inspected her further. She didn't seem bitten, or wounded for that matter in any of the places I saw before I covered her up a bit. After going through a state of hyperventilation, paranoia and a few punches to my body, she seemed to regain her senses and calmed down. A tried to ask her in a low tone:

- Hi... Um, this might not be the best question to ask right now but how are you?
- …
- I see. Well then, I guess I have to entertain you by telling a bit about myself. I'm Chris, your average teenage-adult and I grew up in...

Little by little, she seemed to smile a bit more as I pulled out my entire repertoire of bad jokes, slightly exaggerated funny moments in my life and general stories about me. When we finally returned to reality, she introduced herself as Nails. Apparently, her real name was Jessica but since she always chewed on her nails, she earned herself the nickname Nails in middle school and apparently, it stuck to her ever since.
To this day, the power of the right words in the right time to calm people down simply amazes me. I had an idea, though it felt a bit inappropriate and a bit like desecrating a corpse but corpses need no clothes and so I asked her to wait where she was. I stripped down the body of Sophie to her underwear. Returning with the clothes in hand, I gave them to her and turned around in a show of respect to let her dress without me ogling her.
After a minute or two of cursing about the clothes, she looked much more decent and I told her that we needed to get moving because it wasn't safe here. Surprisingly, she asked no questions about it and just gave me a simple nod so I stepped outside the room, told her to stop and grabbed the two largest and sharpest looking operational tools I could find. Incidentally, I found a tool for dissecting the ribcage of a human and a scalpel.
Taking those and a bit of antiseptics hidden in the underside of the trolley, I stepped outside to lift up the corpse of Sophie. Nails looked at the corpse a bit, but decided to ask no questions about it, the looks I gave the corpse every now and then probably told her everything she needed to know about the situation.


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