Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dead Sun Rising, Chapter 2; Page 16

I tried to take a breath of relief but i just couldn't. Something felt wrong and i had a hard time pinning it down. It was annoying, but maybe it was the stress of the situation and everything that had happened that just made me feel this was. Nevertheless, we had no choice but to trust this man right now. We needed all the help we could get and having an extra gun available is always handy in a situation that might demand it. Still, it felt a bit too convenient but it was a risk i just had to live with. I checked my gun, checked my magazine, checked so that a bullet was properly chambered and heard a satisfying clacking sound when i let go of the mantelpiece. Everything was in order, or so i thought at least if i had my gun training down properly.

- Frost, we are heading upwards. I'm assuming you'd want to join us, i think we would stand a better chance this way.
- I don't see why not, since you aren't infected. Any plans on what to do when we get out of this hole?
- No... Not right now. I just want to give my friend the proper burial she deserves. That's all. After that, i guess i just need to find out where the hell we are, in what country and just what the extent of all this is... And you?
- Hm, i see. Well, i'll probably try and get in contact with my old team, see if anyone else other than me made it. If things are as bad on the outside as the inside, i think i can stick around for a bit.
- We've wasted enough time here, let's go. How many mags do you have for that thing?
- Including the one i have i the weapon, three. So i need to be sparse with how much ammo i use.
- Well, i have two full mags and one about half full. So atleast we can fight if we have to.

 I picked up Sophie, her body icy cold to the touch by now, and took the lead. We moved forward, but it wasn't a very pleasant silence that befell the group. For good or worse, we were a very odd group. If Frost is to be believed, we have one spec-ops agent, and two civilians, one with gun-training of various sort and one civilian who has yet to prove how she might be useful. For now, she made do as a morale booster, something that was ok by me. For now, wandering was ok. Wandering upwards kept us occupied. Kept hope up that when we got out of this nightmare, that everything was going to be ok topside. That the world hasn't been hit by this thing aswell. Wandering down the corridor, we approached what appeared to be a thick steel door slighty ajar. It had a panel at it's side that flickered with light every now and then but didn't seem fully functional. Frost took the lead and opened it, gun pointing down the general direction of the other side of the door and stayed in a semi-crouched position goin in. He really did look like the real thing. He motioned for us to come on through, and looking at the other side of the door at the panel, i could see why it wasn't working properly. From what i could assume, Frost had jurry-rigged the panel to get through. Nice work, maybe something i would have him teach me assuming that we stuck around each other for a while. Maybe he was who he said he was after all.

- Stay alert, i almost ran straight into a horde of them around here.
- Did you get some form of headcount?
- No, but at the very least, there must have been a good ten of them.
- That's not good. How did you get past them?
- Creativity. Although i had do to something i'm not really proud of. Let's just say it wasn't one of my finer moments in life. Stick close to me, if they have wandered on, we are in the green but when i signal you to stop, i expect you both to do so immediatley. Understood?

 Both of us just plainy answered yes and kept wandering down the corridors. What with all the doors and the plaques, this most be where the offices where, maybe the cheifs of the various departments? Steve Johnsson, Lars Vickers, Jane Lewis, Clark Walker... All of these names and even more of them down the hall, to think that all of these were actual people, that lived their own lives. Had their own thoughts. Their own perception on the world, lived their own life before this... Whatever accident this is, took it all away. A really scary thought. What if everything i knew and love was taken away from me? Robbed from me, before i even had the chance to comprehend what had happened. No, can't get stuck in that train of thought. It'll just drag me down further and i have to focus.