Monday, December 12, 2011

Dead Sun Rising; Chapter 2, Page 12

Smelling the snickers (It actually smelt kind of nice...) i decidely put it in my pocket until later. Never know when you might need an extra boost of energy, or morale for that matter. Candy really works well as a little gift wrapped piece of heaven with things look gloomy.
I handed Nails the crowbar once more and lifted sophie up to maybe get out of here. This place really is getting tiresome, constantly being on edge has can be worse then you think. And i'm not talking about constantly being on edge because of your paychek. After watching all those war movies and horror movies... I think i've found new respect and awe for the protagonists presented in those movies. It usually falls down on a combination of skill, patience, willpower and downright dumb luck that they get out of the situation. Perhaps that'll be what saves me aswell?
Proceeding down the dreary halls that all looked the same, the silence was palpable. Shouldn't there be more undeads wandering about? Or was that perhaps just a part of the lower floor we were in earlier? And what happened to the crowd that ran past me when i woke up in this forsaken hole?
In any event, we continued our travel until we arrived at an unmarked room on the map. It clearly said security but this wasn't marked on the map at all. The door was locked and the keycard didn't work, so we did things the old fashioned way, burglar style. Putting Sophie aside, i asked Nails for the crowbar and jammed it with the flat side into the crevice as hard as i could. Pulling and tugging, it finally opened. Thank goodness for the robustness of the crowbar, it wouldn't have held otherwise. The smell that came when we opened the door... It smelled of blood, and perhaps something else. Stepping inside, i was proved right when a person layed huddled in the corner with a hole in his head and a gun gripped firmly in his hand. Putting one and one together, it wasn't hard to realise what probably had transpired here. The sight made Nails gag, especially with all of the substances of the head all over the wall. "Rest in peace, whoever you are" i mumbled and closed his eyes. I told nails to look through the computers to see if she could find anything of interest, while i tried to pry the gun loose from his hands. I guess the term "Dead Mans grip" came from somewhere so i told Nails to slide over the crowbar. Said and done, i positioned his hand with the back of the hand upwards and took a steady swing at the knuckles. With a cracking sound combined with a thump, the hand released it's grip and let go of the gun. To be honest, it felt like grave robbing but beggars can't be choosers so with a steady aproach, i took a look at the gun. I felt kind of vexed since i didn't recognize the gun model but took a look at it anyways. Housing twelve bullets out of what i was guessing was thirteen maximum, it atlest wasn't empty. Looking through his clothes, i found two additional magazines. Jackpot! Look's like we'll atleast stand a decent fighting chance now if we'll get into trouble. Afterwards, i started looking into the few lockers that was here.

Meanwhile, Nails found a computer that was logged in. The first thing that showed when powering the monitor was was i assumed was the suicide letter from the guy in the corner. Turns out his name was Michael Bronson and he was an imported worker here at the facility with a family waiting for him back in the US. Where this facility was, he didn't seem to disclose, the rest of the letter was of his regrett taking this security jobb, his regret in not question the extremely high pay and the ever so hush-hush policy they housed about not talking about work at all while on leave or anything you see here. It also mentioned economics problem which explained why he took the job in the first place.
Sifting through files and looking for obvious clues, she found nothing. She jumped onto a cluster of computer screens in the corner next, carelessly, people has forgotten to log out of the computers. I guess computer security was the last of their problems during the outbreak. Powering them up, it apparently was security monitors. Alerting me, i came over and we both took a look at it.

I produced a map i found in one of the lockers, which seemed to correspond to the correct security cameras and where they were located. I guess the map was for newly hired persons but it sure came in handy for us. Comparing it to the map we had marked previously, i looked up the conference room and safe to say, it was flooded with undeads. While we looked through the remaining security cameras that were functioning, we saw somebody moving way faster then any undead. Managing to paus one of the feeds four floors up, the person looked masked, and well armed.