Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dead Sun Rising; Chapter 1, Page 5

Have you ever been inside of an actual meat storage? You know, with all the meat-hooks and thick pieces of meat hanging in a fridge?
This looked more like it was fetched straight out of some horror story, with various parts of the human anatomy hanging on different sized hooks. My stomach reacted instantly with the overwhelming smell of rotten meat passing by my nose, it's all fun and games in movies but in real life... God help me. Looking at it, it almost felt so bizarre that I lost track of where I was for a second. That is, until I realized that the moaning around me actually got louder.
When I looked around with squinted eyes, I saw figures approaching me slowly, limping, like they had one of their legs broken. Right away, I realized what must have been inside this room, docile until someone actually hit the lights.
Trying to hurry myself up and telling myself that I was in mortal danger, I hurried to pick up Sophie and looked around for Nails, turns out she actually was moving to my current position. Come to think of it, I didn't know where exactly i was positioned in relations to the huge room, so I looked around and realized that I had walked quite a bit in my trek into the abyss of darkness. It also occurred to me that there were several shambling zombies being distracted by all the meat hanging around which gave us an ideal opportunity to sneak out of here. If it was a good idea or not, i leave it up to you to decide.
Nails, shaking in boots, slowly approached me and whispered:

- We need to locate the nearest exit, immediately! Seen any exit from here?
- N-no. H-h-hopefully, we will be able to locate one before this zombie party turns into a party which involves us as the main course...

Nails, looking mildly confused at my sudden stuttering, started looking around quickly for an exit, locating one to the far North-west of the room she poked me and told me to start sneaking as quickly as I could.
So we started sneaking, with zombies all around us. I don't even have to point out the irony in that I never expected to do this while I lived, ever, after watching all those horror movies and playing all those horror games. I also felt so shaky from all the adrenaline pumping through my veins that I almost dropped Sophie. We went as quickly as we could but it wasn't easy. Have you ever tried sneaking around with your life at stake with someone in your arms? Thought not.
The moaning got louder every now and then, as they seemed to shamble over to the next half eaten body part and started chewing on it and switch between them every now and then. One got very close to us nearing the exit so we hid behind what seemed to be a huge torso, praying that it wouldn't notice us.
We stood there for what felt like an eternity, until the damn zombie actually started shambling over to the torso we hid behind. Knowing that we would be noticed for sure, we tried sneaking away to the next best body part to hide behind.
When we took our second step to get away, we heard a loud noise and several sets of feet shambling some direction. It didn't take a long time until we figured out where exactly. In panic and filled with adrenaline, I just screamed; “RUN!” and started following my own advice to the best of my abilities. But as you may know, running around jacked up on adrenaline isn't the easiest thing in the world. It's kind of like being drunk, but instead of the world spinning, your body reacts too fast for your mind to comprehend and you feel like there is no control over your body involved, just muscle memory.
We neared the door in the short sprint, me running faster than nails despite the body I carried, my adrenaline giving me wings to run faster then I possibly could otherwise. Throwing ourselves into the exit, putting away Sophie and slamming the valve style door behind us as hard as we could, we both started turning the valves as fast as our shaking bodies could manage.
A minute later when we realized that we were safe for now, the adrenaline started setting and a nervous shake spread when we realized that we almost died.
I sat down, taking deep breaths and tried to take control of my body once again. Nails on the other hands, was at the verge of tears so I slouched my way over to her and gave her a solid hug to hold on to.
And she cried, almost to the point of what felt like blood mixed with tears of despair.